No more tomorrows for Me
When the day arrives that there are no more tomorrows for me, I want my children to know and never forget that they were, are, and always…

13-year-old trades his Xbox to surprise his struggling single mom with a car
He didn’t want to see him mom sad anymore. Krystal Preston is a single mom. She works a regular job and doesn’t have a partner to help…
Wife Finds 2 Airline Tickets in Husband’s Briefcase, Catches Him on Vacation with Old Lady
Melinda discovered two plane tickets in her husband’s briefcase, one with his name and the other with an unknown woman’s name, making her suspicious for the first…

Disney’s Theme Park Attendance Has Plummeted Amid Woke Pandering
According to recent reports, the Walt Disney Company’s theme parks, including Disney World and Disneyland, have seen substantially shorter wait times on rides and attractions. This implies…

WATCH: Gutfeld Shreds Megan Rapinoe For “Throwing Girls Under The Bus For Enhanced Status”
Greg Gutfeld just skewered former US Women’s Soccer player and constant woke voice of nonsense, Megan Rapinoe, for her post-athletic career stance on women’s sports, arguing that…

“Didn’t Know How To Raise Them In L.A.”: Another Movie Star Packs Up, Explains Why She Refuses To Parent In Hollywood
Another Hollywood actress and former leading lady Katherine Heigl announced she was escaping from La La Land because it was too difficult raising her kids in the…

A Kindergarten Boy Invited His Entire Class to His Adoption and My Heart Is Full
When Michael Clark Jr. was helping his foster parents plan his adoption day, he wanted to invite his whole kindergarten class for the best reason. He told…

NFL player takes young fan, who lost father and grandfather, to her daddy-daughter dance
Audrey Soape is an 11-year-old who has already endured more pain than most adults.The middle schooler from Texas lost her father suddenly and then her grandfather to…

Hobby Lobby Is Facing A Boycott After Putting Political Display In Their Store
Hobby Lobby has often put its political and religious priorities before its profits. Not only does the store close on Sundays to honor the day of rest,…

Disa ’bled Veteran Blocks Girl’s Car From Leaving, Gets Unwanted ‘Push’
Morgan Wheeler of Fayetteville, West Virginia, will never forget the day she crossed paths with a disabled veteran, who she believed to be in his 60s or…