A diver saves the life of a humpback whale, but it’s the manner the whale thanks him that has millions of people fascinated… Watch the video to see…

Professional diver James Moskito was working with a group of volunteers off the coast of San Francisco near the Farallon Islands.

At the surface of the sea, he noticed a humpback whale behaving suspiciously.

The longer James watched the whale, the more obvious it became that something wasn’t right. Whales usually only surface for a few seconds to breathe.

“On a breath, the whale came up, but its eye above the surface, and peered at me.” “I could tell it was staring at me, and it just stayed like way,” James explained.

James took the plunge and swam out to the whale.

“I’m here to help you,” he said calmly as he placed his palm on the creature’s eye. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.”

James then swam around to the whale’s other side, where he was astounded at what he discovered.

The whale’s tail was encrusted with a 3,000-pound anchor.
For hours, James and the other brave divers worked nonstop to release the lovely animal from the mile-long chain that was pulling it down.

The crew finally succeeded after a lot of hard effort.

The whale began to swim figure eights around James, circling him.

Then it rubbed against him, as though to express gratitude

Some might find James’ conversation with the whale weird. Whales, on the other hand, have sentiments and possibly comprehend more than we do.

Whales have the same specialized brain cells involved in emotion processing as humans and monkeys, according to researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

So we’re confident that this humpback whale was really appreciative of all of the assistance it received.

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