Boy gets into trouble for doodling at school – hired by restaurant to create wall art

Most of us recall a period when we didn’t pay attention to the teacher while sitting in a class at school.

If the teacher found us writing letters to a friend or daydreaming while gazing out the window, we would be in big trouble.

Joe Whale is well aware of this because he frequently received punishment for not paying attention in class by doodling.
Joe, then 9 years old, refused to stop doodling in his workbook, so his parents decided to support his hobby.It didn’t tak

e long for Joe’s teacher in the after-school art class near their Shrewsbury, England, home to realize Joe had a genuine ability, according to dad Greg.

“I asked his parents for some of his work to assess his level and could not believe what I was looking at, we moved him into an older class straight away,” Joe’s art teacher Kerry explained.
“His work is very exact and immaculate, it’s very balanced, he goes straight to ink and creates perfect work straight from the start, no practicing beforehand.”

Soon after Joe’s art teacher shared some of his work on Instagram, something really wonderful transpired.Joe’s teacher was approached by the owner of the neighborhood restaurant “Number 4” to request permission for the nine-year-old to use his drawings to adorn the eating area.

Then, after school, Dad Greg would take his gifted kid to the restaurant so he could draw on the walls.
“Joe is a really talented little boy, he’s excelling at school, he’s a great footballer and cricketer, but drawing is definitely what he is most passionate about,” his proud dad said.

“He was in school getting frustrated at the little amount of art he could do so he used to doodle on the table’s whiteboard in class and get into trouble for doodling.

“We’re so proud of everything he’s achieving, the fact that a completely independent business has asked our nine-year old son to do a professional piece of work for them is incredible.”

What a really gifted young man! If you’re as impressed as we are, please tell your friends and family about Joe’s incredible artwork today.

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