This brave man was left with third-degree burns to his entire face and scalp – for years he
wore a baseball cap, sunglasses, and prosthetic ears in public. Patrick recalled children running a
way when they saw him, but his life changed again in 2015 when he underwent the most extensive
face transplant everAs per reports, Hardison had a 50/50 chance of surviving the face transplant.
However, the surgery – which took 26 hours and more than 100 people working in two teams – was a success.
Today, Patrick Hardison is living life alongside his beloved wife and childrennbHere’s all you need to know about
his incredible story – and what Patrick looks like today. Today, we have so much knowledge about the human body.
Doctors, nurses, surgeons, and all others in the field of medicine are true heroes, doing everything they can to help
people get better. Moreover, it’s mind-blowing what can be done to save a life these days. Take for example, surgeons
who can replace a heart or a kidney.