Parents Want Home Economics To Be Taught In Schools Again To Teach Kids Basic Life Skills
If you graduated school prior to the year 2000, chances are, you might have taken a home economics or home studies class…if you were a girl that…

Rare footage Of Legendary ‘Mr. Bojangles’ Teaches Shirley Temple the Stair Dance – Who Remembers This?
Bill “Bojangles” Robinson was an African American tap dancer and actor who is best known for his contributions to the art of tap dancing. He was born…

With tears in their eyes, Jase and Missy Robertson make the heartbreaking announcement.
In the world of reality television, few families have captured the hearts of viewers quite like the Robertsons of “Duck Dynasty.” Jase and Missy Robertson, beloved stars…

Four Young Girls Sing the National Anthem – NFL Crowd Goes Wild
We all have heard the “Star Spangled Banner” sung many times in many different ways before sporting events, but here’s a unique version that I hope will…

Do You Remember “The Stroll” Dance from the 1950s?
Dancing has always been cherished, bringing joy and creating lasting memories. Throughout history, we’ve seen various dance styles come and go. Some dances have withstood the test…

Grandma finds out she’s moving in with her grandson and reaction is breaking and melting hearts
Matthew Stewart has shown how much he loves his Grandma Bobbe (or GB for short). The feelings are completely mutual for the 87-year-old too! While the pair…

Elderly man secretly filmed waiting for his wife at airport with chocolate and flowers
Here’s your feel-good public service announcement for today. Romance isn’t dead – it’s just been stuck waiting at the airport with a box of chocolates and a…

Studies Show Kids Need Grandparents More Than We Realize
While we don’t always get to choose our family situation, there is no doubt that kids do better when they have their grandparents in their lives. In…

Couple celebrates 75th anniversary with wedding they never got to have in the 1940s
What is the benchmark that when you hear someone has been married that long, you think “Wow! That’s a long time!”? Is it 25 years? How about…

5-Year-Old Daughter of Fallen Officer Gets the Sweetest Police Escort to Her 1st Day of Kindergarten
When a 20-year veteran lost his life in the line of duty, many cops whose lives he had touched in some way or another came out to…