Mom causes heated debate by putting young daughter on leash at grocery store

Parents can and will bicker and disagree online over many things, but there are certain topics that have proven to be especially divisive. You know the sort of things I’m referring to; those points that virtually every parent has an opinion on to some degree or another.

Now, the prospect of “leashing” your little one – tying a lead to a harness or their wrist to prevent them from running away, encountering danger, or, god forbid, being taken by someone — has caused no end of arguments among parents in the past.

Some are of the opinion that it’s tantamount to child abuse. Others don’t see a problem with it, so long as the children involved are ultimately kept safe.

Well, the talking point has reared its head again after one stay-at-home mom from Los Banos, California was slammed online when images emerged of her using a leash on her child during a trip to the grocery store.

According to reports, Alexis Solis, a former behavioral analysis therapist, shared a video of her and her daughter following their shopping outing. It quickly gained traction online, racking up more than 12 million views and generating an intense debate in the comments field.

Solis, a mom of two daughters, says she uses her social media presence to raise awareness as to child endangerment.

Credit / Facebook – Qiana Monique

In one particular video, uploaded to her TikTok, she can be seen asking her young daughter to put out her hand so that she could fasten a leash to it.

“I’m tired of the world being this way but I’m never tired of protecting my girls,” she captioned the clip.

“I’m okay looking like a crazy mom. As long as my babies are safe and thanks to everyone I freaking love this thing.”

The video subsequently accrued almost 13 million views, and there were plenty of people read to attack Alexis and question her parenting.

“I hope they leash her when she’s 50,” one person wrote.

“I hate those,” another added.

In a follow-up video, Alex explained that the leash is perfect for children who are prone to running away.

Credit / Facebook – Qiana Monique

As per the Daily Mail, she said: “I used to work with children on the spectrum. I don’t share this about myself very often, but I was an ABA therapist.

“Something that’s common with children who have autism is they do tend to elope. If you’re not familiar with what elopement is, that’s when a child tends to wander off or run away from the parent or the environment.

“Now, this can be very traumatic for both the child and the parent. I know that if I had this device when I was working with families, this would have made life so much safer.”

What do you think to Alexis’s approach? Do you agree that using a leash is beneficial to the child? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box.

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