Mrs. Parks Asked Her Class A Very Unusual Question, But Her Response In The End Is Hilarious

Mrs. Parks, the friendly science teacher, chose to teach her sixth-grade class a peculiar but instructive lesson in a tiny, well-lit classroom.

“Class, can anyone tell me which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?” she leaned forward while asking with a twinkle in her eye.

The young people’s confusion caused a quiet to fall over the gathering. This was a very unusual question for a science class, and the students exchanged perplexed looks as they debated their best course of action.

Young Mary, who was well recognised for her candour, took the initiative. She addressed the teacher while standing up and seemed determined:

“Mrs. Parks, you should not be asking sixth-graders a question like that! I’m going to tell my parents, and they’ll surely report this to the principal, who will have no choice but to fire you!”

Mrs. Parks, maintaining her composure and with a patient smile, calmly repeated her question, “Now, class, can anyone tell me which body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?”

Little Mary’s eyes widened in disbelief at Mrs. Parks’ insistence on pursuing such an inappropriate line of questioning.

She whispered to her classmates, her tone both scandalized and concerned, “Boy, is she going to get in big trouble!”

Mrs. Parks addressed the class once more, encouragingly asking, “Anybody?” despite the uproar and her determination to continue the lesson.

The room remained still, with the students hesitating to venture an answer, wary of the possible repercussions of another misunderstanding. Fearful of stepping into uncharted territory, they clung to their silence.

Then Billy, a shy and diligent student who had always excelled in Mrs. Parks’ class, slowly stood up, his cheeks flushed with nervousness, and with a trembling voice, he uttered, “The body part that increases ten times its size when stimulated is the pupil of the eye.”

A collective sigh of relief washed over the classroom as the answer to the enigmatic question was finally revealed. Mrs. Parks beamed with pride and acknowledged Billy’s contribution with a warm smile. “Very good, Billy,” she praised.

Mrs. Parks turned her attention to little Mary, who had been the focal point of the entire incident. With a playful glint in her eye, she continued, “As for you, young lady, I have three things to say: One, you have a dirty mind. Two, you didn’t read your homework. And three, one day you are going to be very, very disappointed.”

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