Strangers Help Elderly Man To Seat, Then Wife Whispers Only Six Words

There is nothing wrong with being kind to others. Being nice to others costs nothing yet it is priceless, besides you will never know who you can help in your journey of kindness. You never know who it might impact in an incredible way.

This was the situation with Lauren Hinkston Hintzsche when she was with her husband, John, at a Cubs game.
An elderly couple was at a baseball game searching for their seats. They explained that they have season tickets behind the plate, but realized their payoff tickets had them up in the bleachers.

“Anyone who has sat in the bleachers knows that even on a good day, the bleachers can be tough to navigate,” Lauren said. Thankfully, there were two kind gentlemen sitting in front of them who noticed the elderly gentleman was having a tough time with the stairs and gently helped him to his seat.As the new friends talked, Lauren learned the two men were brothers. One lives in Chicago and the other had flown in to see him from San Diego.

Lauren couldn’t help but notice the way these men cared for the older man sitting behind them throughout the game.
“During the game they would help the older gentleman stand when the crowd stood and the one guy stayed seated at times so this gentleman could see the game,” she said.She was touched by how much the couple seemed to enjoy the game, noting that they held hands, he patted her knee, and she would help him stand when there were exciting plays.
During the third inning, the elderly woman leaned down and whispered something to Lauren that left her in t ears and made this day and this game unfo*rgettable.

“He’s going through ch*emo right now,” she said. “We have done about everything else we can do and this is the last step.”
Just after she said that, the older man leaned over and happily told his wife, “I just love this!”
Lauren said she couldn’t hold back her tears as she watched the love between the couple, the way they were enjoying their last days together, and the kindness of strangers who didn’t even know about the man’s condition.
After the game, the brothers helped the man up the stairs before saying goodbye.

“I gave both of those guys big hugs and thanked them for their generosity!” Lauren said. “With all the crap going on in the world, I felt this was a story I had to tell.”
“Even though the Cubs win was just awesome, this story tops a win anytime in my book.”

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