Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from a dangerous disease known as kidney disease.
It happens when the kidneys are damaged and malfunctioning. The kidneys are essential for
removing waste from our blood and for maintaining the proper balance of fluids and
electrolytes in our body. Early detection and treatment are essential to stop further damage and problems caused by kidney disease.
Fortunately, your body will alert you when something may be wrong with your kidneys.
To make sure you get medical help as quickly as possible, find out what it is and pay
attention to your body. Recognizing kidney function Located just below the ribcage on
either side of the spine, the kidneys are two small bean-shaped organs. Their primary
job is to filter the blood, eliminating excess fluid and waste from the body.
Along with producing red blood cells, regulating blood pressure, and maintaining the
proper balance of electrolytes such as calcium, potassium, and salt, the kidneys also
play these roles. Healthy kidneys filter about 120 to 150 liters of blood per day, resulting
in 1 to 2 liters of urine. Primarily Kidney disease: what is it? Renal disease, another name
for kidney disease, is the result of damage to the kidneys that prevents them from working
at their best. Kidney disease can have a number of causes, such as infections,
autoimmune diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and genetics.