The NYU College Republicans president, Kaya Walker, resigned after making comments about
Barron Trump in an interview with Vanity Fair. She described Barron as an “oddity on campus” who “goes to class,
he goes home.” A professor reportedly joked that he “doesn’t really belong here.”Following backlash,
the College Republicans of America (CRA) stated that Walker’s remarks did not align with their values,
While accusing Vanity Fair of misrepresenting the comments, the CRA still deemed them inappropriate.
Walker resigned on February 17.The CRA reaffirmed its strong support for Donald Trump, highlighting its efforts in the 2024 election.
CRA President Will Donahue extended an invitation for Barron to join the organization, calling him the “future of the conservative movement.
”The statement emphasized qualities like resilience and courage, inviting Barron to help shape the Republican Party’s future.