Melania Trump’s newly unveiled 2025 official White House portrait sparked widespread debate, marking a stark contrast to her 2017 image. The
black-and-white photo, taken by longtime Trump family photographer Régine Mahaux, depicted her in a commanding pose—leaning forward on a
reflective glass table, dressed in a tailored black suit with an intense gaze. The Washington Monument in the background reinforced her connection to
national history and power,
Public reactions were divided. While some praised the portrait’s elegance and strength, others criticized it as overly stylized and severe. Comparisons
to Donald Trump’s expressions fueled further discussion. The shift from her softer 2017 portrait to this more authoritative image highlighted her
evolving public persona.The portrait’s release coincided with scrutiny over Melania’s inauguration outfit—a navy double-breasted coat, black gloves,
and a wide-brimmed boater hat. While some admired the look’s sophistication, others found it too severe